Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day #9 Last Full Day at the Flume

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today is my last full day at the Flume. The weather has been great, and we are back to a normal wave schedule. We ran four sets of 30 minute irregular wave runs, and one 1 hour wave run, one 5 minute monochromatic wave run, followed by 15 minutes of bichromatic waves.  Below is just another photo of the flume, watching waves roll in this morning.

 You will see below, is a group photo we took this morning. Unfortunately Dr. Ian Turner is not in this picture, because he is in fact the one taking the picture. But I thought it was about time that we got a picture of at least most of us involved in Bardex II.

Below, is yet another picture of me in the flume helping to record sensor measurements, and post-adjustments that we make. This has helped me a great deal to get familiar with, and recognize the different sensors and instruments that measure sediment transport on beaches. There is nothing like first-hand experience in the field! I think back to just two weeks ago, when I had a vague understanding of what was involved with Coastal Engineering, and little to no understanding of how to measure sediment transport on a beach, and I am simply amazed at what I have learned being at the Flume, and working with such marvelous, patient engineers and researchers. Although, they have taught me a lot, I realize that there is still so much I do not know, and that I look forward to learning this summer working with Diane!

Today, Diane introduced me to the world of MATLAB which is computer software that is used to help interpret the data we collect from our sensors. It is pretty complex, and seems to have it's own scientific language that I will be learning this summer. Lucky for me, I should hopefully get more comfortable with it the more I continue to use it this summer while I am working with Diane.   

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